Sunday, August 31, 2008

Movies of Late

Caught Duyung and Evolusi KL Drift over the weekend. It was on Demand TV. Hubby was so excited over our free Hub Station that he took this as an excuse to try out everything. I can almost feel my wallet bleeding in my hands since yours truly will end up paying for the services - as usual. It's bad enough that WWE pay per view matches cost $10 per view, we just HAVE to watch every major match after the previous major one.

And so, that weekend saw us watching 2 Malay movies. Something, totally unlike us. Evolusi KL Drift was awesome because Farid Kamil was I just love his eyes. That scene in Remp-It when he was about to make out with that slutty girl after he won the first race just turns me on. You just have to love the way he look at you. nak gigit jer.

No, he was not the lead here. He was already the lead in Remp-It, they couldn't possibly give him the lead in a flashy cars movie right? No, he's not the director, so he cannot be the lead. The lead goes to the producer's son. He was afterall the director of this movie, so, he gets to be the lead and a wooden one at that. But who cares since this is a movie about fast cars.

Like all awesome adreneline pumping speed racer movies, the story line was super weak. Aaron Aziz as the head "chong" Joe, was impressive although the "lu-gua" lingo sounded more like Singapore's local gangsters than those from the other side of the causeway. I didn't get a close look at his tattoos but he was so into character, you have to take your hats off at him.

Major disappointment was Fasha Sandha and her squeeky high pitched voice which really grates on your nerves sometimes. She was spot on in her acting, afterall, she's Malaysia's movie darling for now. But come on! She was supposed to be the lead actress here. The intro scene was fancy enough with her getting ready to go to (her boyfriend) Zack's, race patch. The S15 she drove is reminiscence of Neela and Suki from F&F: Tokyo Drift and 2F2F, (Oh sorry, Neela drove an RX-8 and Suki vroomed around in a Honda S2000).....and that's just about it.

You'll see her angsty, crying character all the way till the credit rolls. At least Neela taught Lucas how to drift and Suki actually raced in her hot pink S2000. Fasha did nothing of that sort. Apart from successfully falling in love with her boyfriend's best friend, she left the poor car decorating the asphalt and the front porch of her big monster of a house where she left the sunroof open (at night!) and leaving the gate unlocked while she go to the shops. How careless, tsk, tsk. The S15 did nothing for her character's self-esteem. Zilch...Nadah...Kaput...How nice it would be to see her race her bloody jerk of a boyfriend and wrecking his car in the process for being such an asshole.

Other talents from our sunny island, Huda and Shahril were given minor roles to support the main cast. Well, at least Hetty Sarlene also get to join her hommies by being part of their gang as well. Oh yes, the gang. There is something seriously wrong with this picture. It seems that the gang do nothing in the workshop but read magazines and play Need for Speed: Most Wanted/Grand Theft Auto (or is it? I don't know, but whatever). There are scenes where someone is under the car looking greasy enough but not much to remember by. The girls looked too schoolgirl clean to be seen holding a greasy screwdriver. In fact, they're not holding any tool at all because they have perfect fingernails and perfect makeup. Nope, not even a smudge of engine oil on the chin. They spend their time ego-bashing Zack but since he's so wooden, he couldn't care less anyway.

Talking about scenes, a direct rip-off from F&F:TD was Zack's circling of the car Fasha was in. It's just like Han circling a perfect O with his RX-7 around the one with the two females. Another obvious unrealistic horror of a cock-up was when Farid Kamil (Sham) got hit by Joe's RX-7 and his body snapped the rear spoiler before lying in a cute heap at the tarmac. The next thing you see is the car speeding away, rear spoiler miraculously intact.

Apart from nitpicking about all these, the R34 GT-T, S13 Silvias and FD used in the film was worth salivating over although the tacky stickers was a bit of a let down. I just wondered why they don't have the "pressing NOS" scenes. Maybe they don't allow NOS on KL roads. Yeah, you see all the traffic lights in KL at night seemingly not working and you cannot use the NOS. Bummer.

Oh yeah, I hate the soundtrack. The rapping was cool but the intro/chorus was nonsence. Very uncreative. Not like the next movie I want to talk about. Hehe. Duyung.

I refused to watch a certain horror movie starring Maya Karin. While she was so good in that movie, I didn't know she looked so good as a mermaid. Hubby said Fasha should play Duyung and I was like "What?!!" Her voice would spoil everything. The KRU brothers would cry all the way back from the bank.

Saiful as usual played the unlikely hero. He may not be as cute as that guy who played Izham in Impian Illyana but he can sure deliver. I just love these:

To his father "Bapak, jangan lupa pakai baju, elok2 jadik orang kang jadi arang pulak.."

While about to blow that sea shell to call Puteri the Mermaid in his self-made island "Sini takder coverage, kat atas ada"

To Puteri "Mak Bapak saya marah sangat dengan saya sampai dia cakap jangan panggil dia bapak lagi, habis takkan saya nak panggil dia Daddy"

To Wak Pagek "Alah Kordi tu Cucuk Botox la. Dia pakai asteroid (steroid), saya punya ori.."

When Wak Pagek said "Aku nak tanah", he replied "Wak cakap jer berapa kampit wak nak. Tanah apa? Tanah merah, tanah besar, tanah liat, tanah bundle, tanah kubur, Guantanamera pun ada..."

To his mother after a minor fallout with his father "Mak, laki mak mana?"


Maybe Saiful should play Zack, ...nah, he'd take our attention away from the beautiful cars but then again, that would be a welcome change from the glaring flaws and the obvious mistakes of KL Drift...

So there, my weekend. Beats cleaning the toilets anytime.

Bdays McSpazetron

I suddenly realised that Danial has been watching too much WWE when he asked "one on two or two on three?" after I complained to hubby about the idiot van driver, who nearly mow us down at the handicap lot. Danial thought I was referring to a handicap match.

I felt like the world's biggest shmuck on my 34th birthday. I treated myself to a BK meal during lunchtime over at Holland Village. I thought I'd just spend my bday like how I did for previous years - by myself. I didn't expect anyone to treat me like a diva bday queen. That's why I never take leave to "enjoy" myself like how my colleagues do at work. What is there to do? I have below $10 in all three bank accounts. If I stayed home, I'd end up cleaning the house anyway. So I purposely choose this date to attend a course at IPAM. No one would know and no one would care.

And so it was that after classes, I received a call from hubby telling me to rush to my mum's. I eventually arrived an hour later to a dark living room with a chocolate cake and 3 candles with Danial and Matin giving me the widest grin and everyone yelling "SURPRISE!!..." like how they did on TV.

Dad brought out pizzas and everyone plunged in. Turned out that hubby had ordered in and everyone had waited for me for two hours to reach home so that they can eat. I was still full from the BK meal and had guilt written all over my face while I took a bite of the cake. All this while, my whole family had patiently waited for me to come back to celebrate my bday and I had in self-pity, indulge in a BK meal that I could've sworn moved the size of my butt to cover half of Pulau Ubin.

So now you know why I felt like the world's biggest shmuck....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Office Again

On Paper Usage

The office is trying to monitor the number of papers used. It so happened that our department holds the mother of all records for the most "usage of precious papers".

I'm all for it because sometimes, the way the colleagues used the papers in our office literally made me cringe. It screws up your insides just like how the other day I saw a senior officer on the verge of retirement brushing his teeth/dentures in the pantry while letting the water run (yes, run as in big turn of the tap) wastefully down the sinkhole. I felt like pushing him down the sinkhole myself. He was lucky that day because my parents taught me to be respectful of all elders.

Going back on the papers, I felt that it was a good move because I've been a good example lately by printing double-sided while I can and using recycled paper for filing emails and whatnots. The only drawback is that we have to record whatever we print onto a record book which was hastily made up of recycled paper and 4 folders. One for each printer and the photocopier.

I find this recording strange because I thought there were counters in the machines churning out the amounts used. Maybe not. But to record every single print is a indeed a bit of a hassle. Other than this, my main gripe was missing pens. As the printers are located somewhere near to me, all those who come to collect their printing would naturally look for pen and the first person they can locate is....yours truly.

So, for the past three days, I've been replacing pens on the printers and for my table. I bet there is an overabundance of pens somewhere in somebody else's cubicle. Heck, there could be 3 or 4 extra pen each in every cubicle but mine. This morning alone, I lost 3 pens. This cannot go on man...

I know you're thinking "Just attach a bloody string to the bloody pen-lah"

We've tried. The lifespan of such a creation? Two hours. Someone actually cut the string.

So it was this morning that saw me printing these in Font Arial Size 8 and attaching these messages on all my new pens.

"Pls return to (insert name here) who can't keep requesting for new pens everyday"
"Stolen from (insert name here)"
"Hah! So you're the pen collector!"
"This is not my property but it's not yours either"

Oh, while I'm at it, here's another for the printer and the counter:-
"I am responsible and did not mistakenly steal this from the printer"
"I know it's not your intention to steal. Yours truly, The Counter Pen"

We'll try reverse psychology and if it still doesn't work, I don't know what else to say.

On CellPhones

Ninety-eight percent of the people in this department have a cellphone. That counts for almost everyone. I thought the purpose of your phone is for private and personal use, which is always the case. So, it's either easier for you to call out and easier for others to call you. I mean, that's the purpose right? For easier communication. Otherwise, why commit to buy the cellphone if you do not wish for others to disturb you?

Ok, here's the irritating part. The office did not stipulate that one must switch off the cellphone once you step into the office. This is not an examination hall. However, if you're committed to own that cellphone, and if you refuse to switch it off, then have the basic courtesy to answer your bloody call lah!!. If you don't wish to answer, then at least switch it to silent mode. What's the point of owning one bloody fancy phone when you're not there to answer the bloody call because you're having your bloody lunch and have the whole office listen to your bloody ringtone over and over again? It doesn't make bloody sense.

On Office Foghorns

Ok, this is a new record. But then again, it's not like everyday I can bitch about my office people right? So here's another bite.

There's this certificate cutter in the records room. I hate that room because it's eerily quiet. There are many uncollected certificates there. For all you know, some might stay uncollected because the owner are no longer in existence. I've ever received a request to dig out one so that his relative could burn it together with new clothes and money to spend in the "other world". He might just need that qualification I guess. However, apart from this, that room just gave us the creeps.

Anyway, aside from the creep nature, there's this brand new cutter for us to use to cut the perforated edges of our certificates. I had the misfortune of ruining two certs because of the alignment error. I raise the alarm and Mr L had to call the maintenance people. The people call back and told Mr L that it's a simple problem and that we can adjust the alignment by twisting a grey knob.

So, Mr L told me, "just twist the grey knob". I said "ok" and turn to my work because I'm not turning grey knobs that day because I've got something urgent to settle.

Along came Miss M. She is well known in the department as the office foghorn. Well, she sounds like one anyway. She's the type to come to your cubicle and suddenly say things like, "I notice you like to wear red" although that was the only red outfit you've ever had, or "I read in the newspaper survey that unmarried women are actually happier than married women. True hor?" leaving you speechless. Most of the time you're speechless anyway because your eyes are glued to the monitor and you politely nod your head every appropriate interval while Miss M goes on and on about the merits of one bakery in her neighborhood with another.

She's always a joy to entertain sometimes because her naivety exceeds beyond her 53 years. The only thing we can't stomach is her loud voice and her ability to repeat the same story to 6 different people who sit at close proximity to one another oblivious to the fact that altogether, 6 people have heard the same story 6 times.

After a while, it became plain irritating and when you were called aside by your boss telling you to "not entertain" Miss M so much, it really brings out the hackles. Number one. Miss M is the one that visits my cubicle. Ever since my mentor Kak S (who has no choice but to entertain Miss M because Miss M likes to tell stories to Kak S) have moved up to HR, Miss M have been bugging me about her stories and neighborhood shopping experiences - loudly. It's embarrasing sometimes. So, my boss offered to talk to her boss about this.

Apparently, they don't need to. Because one fine afternoon, during the grey knob incident, we found Miss M urgently needing to print her certificate. Very urgent. And when Miss M says urgent, the whole department should know. So, naturally, Miss M comes to me.

I told Miss M, "just twist the grey knob to adjust."
Miss M was like "What grey knob?"
I said, "I don't know. Mr L told me twist the grey knob"
"Come show me."
"How to show? I don't even know where the grey knob is" Patience at dangerously low level.
"Don't be like this lah" Annoyed.
"Go in and see lah. I need to rush this thing!!" (me) equally annoyed.

That was about how the conversation ends. But I can tell Miss M was totally angry with me. Should I feel guilty? Why should I?

Mr L gave me a fishing rod. I have not even gone fishing, how could Miss M ask me for the fish? The most I can do is lend her the fishing rod (the grey knob). What else did she expect me to do? Hold her hand, walk slowly, oh, how about a wheelchair while we're at it and perhaps she'd like me to carry her into the room and see together the grey knob? WTF man.

I tried to talk to her the next day but she answered me in a huff and till today, refused to talk to me. Like I care. For once, peace descended in the office. Let this be a lesson to her. I can't spoon feed her all the time. You learn, you write in a book, then if something like this happens you panicked and make everyone do your bidding. You know the irony of all this? Just the day before, Miss M attended the "Think on your Feet" two-day course. What did she learn? Think through her feet?

So here you have it, the office. You just have to have all these thrown at you 8 hours every day. Live and live!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Appreciating Nature? My Foot!

A few Sundays back, the hubby and I plus the two boys in tow met up with hubby's best friend with his wife and two girls. We've always had this kind of get together and the four kids as usual, were having the time of their lives chasing each other.

So, that Sunday saw us clambering up the top of the Terrace Garden at Telok Blangah Hill Park trying to be gungho about everything and declaring that the few steps are chicken feet. It was breathtakingly beautiful and I would have snapped a couple of pictures on my new Nokia if not for the fact that I was panting like a punctured dragon. I couldn't take in anything. The day was just beginning and I was already dripping lakes of sweat! The kids as usual were urging us to hurry up while we old folks pretended to be still 16 and bravely clambered up the steps trying not to show our exhaustion.

We took a short break and continued down to the Forest Walk. The weather was great and the walk was fun. We met couples with kids, couples without kids, older couples, younger couples, whole families with barely 3 month-old babies sleeping peacefully in prams. We met caucasion couples jogging and voila, the domestic helps have a new port!! They settled themselves on shelters, shared their potluck lunch of tupperwared stews and potato chips while exchanging stories to fellow citizens. I do hope they remember to clear the area before moving off later in the day.

Halfway, we cheated by getting down and taking 97 to Harbour Front where it suddenly drizzled and we had to wait it out at Vivo. While trying to make it again, we were stopped by more drizzle and ended up at MCD. Mothers with children, one table. The two fathers, without children on another. They chomped down on their big macs, oblivious that that they've managed to gain back what they've successfully burned not an hour ago.

Danial spent the entire time glued in front of the PC with Hasnita, trying to teach her the wows of Youtube. Matin entertained himself by being a human crane and transferred the fries, scoop by scoop, from one tray to another and peppering himself with salt in the process. Anita and I exchanged stories alternating between gossiping, feeding, scolding and cleaning up the kids, whichever comes first. We are so good at this.

By this time, the rain has let up and we crossed the road to climb up some more, groaning under our fat bellies. We climbed more steps and stairs that I cared to remember and ended up at the Henderson Waves where Danial decided to let go of all the Iced Milo he had downed earlier. It was a new record. A whole plastic bag full and yes, yours truly had to hurry to the other end (and miss all that view) to search for a rubbish bin desperately praying that the flimsy bag would not burst.

It was at this stage when I saw something that really irks me. I was desperately trying to find a rubbish bin and I nearly collided with a girl perhaps about 13-14 years old. She was busy trying to beat a huge ant with the butt of her umbrella. The ant was scurrying away trying to get to safety and this hapless half wit going "hiak..hiak...hiakkk" with every jab at the thing.

I told her to leave it alone but she just smiled at me and continued to chase the poor creature with her gaudy umbrella talking in a yes, foreign language. Hmm, it's the mainland people again. I recognise their slang anywhere.

Not that I'm against them, but sometimes they behaved like this is their place and we the locals are really the outsiders. It makes me appreciate my fellow singaporeans even more, no matter how crude, rude, boring, ill-mannered they are in the eyes of foreign counterparts.

That girl's behaviour that afternoon deserves that plastic bag of puke thrown in her face but of course, we are not that uncivilised...

We ended the day parting at the carpark and promised to try the HSBC hanging bridge thing at MacRitchie. Urgh....MacRithie reminded me of that endless hike during my Girl Guide days and yeah, cross country...sheeshh..but then again, I really need to get rid of my thunderous thighs. I could've sworn I heard them growing at MCD just now.