Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's only Words

Most over-rated word of the year = Plethora

I thought it was a cute word. A bit cheem. Never heard of it before let alone use it for my essays in secondary school. Back then, when I came out with "Centrepiece" to describe a bunch of flowers in the middle of a buffet table, the teacher had said "cleeeverrr girrrlllll" much to my embarrassment (I would've blushed fushia pink if not for the fact that I'm not really that fair skinned) and amidst sniggers from the back row.

This "plethora" thing appeared everywhere. Even the newspapers are using it. Maybe I have been living in a state of blissful ignorance all these while. Or maybe there's some kind of conspiracy going on where they keep these words in a secret hiding place and released it in the not so distant future and just blow everybody's mind away. Some sort of brain hemorrhageing therapy or something.

Whatever lah. I don't quite care now. I just wished I was clever enough to use "plethora" in my 'O' level esssay paper. No wonder I only managed to pull a pathetic B4. Come to think of it, I remembered my Malay essay though. I wrote "Aku Sebuah Pondok Telefon" translation: "I Am A Telephone Booth". I couldn't believe that I spent the first twenty minutes twiddling my thumbs while everyone was furiously scribbling around me. Then, a plethora of somethings exploded in me and I had a plethora of things to say. Yup, definitely over-rated. By the way, I got A1 for Malay on the first try. Gloat....gloat...

Talking about English essays, one time, I wrote ", patrons came in to the restaurants to have a voluptuous time". Dear teacher asked whether I really knew what "voluptuous mean". I innocently said it means 'full of luxury and the pleasures of life'. She obviously thought it has something to do with the female torso. Haiyooooo....

Recently, I've been so into FFX. It all started with a STOMP reader saying that one of our posters look like Square Enix's design. I googled Square Enix and found out that it was a company. But it still didn't explain the girl whose costume we were accused of "photoshop-ing". I've always been fascinated by that girl in our promotional poster for our School of Info-comm and Technology. So, I dugged some more and found Lulu. Yup. It looked like a direct copy but I actually preferred Lulu over our design. She seemed more mysterious, dark and somewhat aloof.

Lulu is a character in Final Fantasy 10. She's not exactly the main character. Yuna was. She, along with Wakka, Auron, Kimahri and Riku was Yuna's guardian on her journey to defeat Sin. The central villain responsible for so many miseries. Lulu's love was Chappu who was Wakka's younger brother and who had died while fighting Sin. Ok..ok, I know you're lost too. I was never into all these computer games thing. My knowledge of computer games consists of frustrating afternoons with PacMan and Solitaire. So old school. I thought Final Fantasy was just a lifelike animated movie that did not cause much hoohaa in the box office.

Lulu intrigued me. She wears this gorgeous corset thing and has this skirt with layers of belts interlocking in the front. Geez, and I wonder how she could have a baby with Wakka with all those belts on. Uhm yeah, she married Wakka at the end of FFX and had a baby named Vidina.

Oh and by the way, they've taken out the Lulu looka-like poster and replaced it with an almost scowling twin looking ill at ease with a shorter skirt and which I hoped is much more original.

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